TOYS. I've been in a steady relationship with "the hobby" for many years now. This blog is an attempt to rediscover MY hobby and provide motivation to paint MY toys and play MY games. The topics may wander to rugby, cricket and the x-box but feel free to skip those bit if you wish........ either of you :)
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Meanwhile I've completed the move and now have to TWO node foci within my abode. The lounge is quite large and has a dogleg so one end has become gaming corner and has already hosted D&D on Thursday night. The spare room can accommodate a game for two or three max and so is likely to become a semi-permanent workbench with a laptop DVD player and an I Dock for background entertainment. I
All much easier to entertain polite company should I ever do so. I'm rather smug!
Hmm... Just discovered that I can't upload photos from the camera roll so they'll have to wait.
Meanwhile I enormously enjoyed England beating la Francois yesterday evening and just hope that Wasps can manage the same against Sarries this lunchtime.
I also went and saw Paul at the flicks last night and it was better than I thought it might be with plenty of witty one line homages for true nerds!
May the farce be with you.......always ;)
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Straight from the box
As manually 360'd below i've re-painted an AT-43 Therian Golgoth. Initially just messing about a bit it turned into a full repaint, though no undercoat was needed as the pre-paint finish keyed really well. A few more manga-ese Tau transfers produce a good result.
Not a lot of effort required so another 3 PPs. See you in a while!
Friday, 18 February 2011
Economies of Scale
I've pretty much packed up the shed and as a part of that process spent some time trawling through various boxes of plastic and tin-pewter.
I've even managed to dispose of an awful lot of Empire and Orc and Goblin sprues that have been with me longer than many of my socks.
It struck me that i'm predominantly a 25mm boy but thats mainly because, like many of us, i'm a child of Games Workshop, and have been programmed as such. FoW was a serious flirtation with 15mm, since sold on, and i've got bits of 10 and 15mm floating about but always found 6mm too small to paint.

Browsing around the Khurusan, Critical Mass and Ground Zero web-stores has been on the increase. Jon has even gone as far as making some purchases.
I've built up a good resource of figures and scenery for the Star Wars roleplaying in 25mm BUT if I was starting that up today i'd be more than likely to do it in 15mm. The quality is good as are the comparative prices, the ranges ever expanding, and it would make the best of time, space and funds available. The worst you've got to deal with is adjusting ground-scale!
I'm sure that you could do the same with almost any genre, theatre etc.
BUT 25mm just looks so good when done well! Flip over to Geektactica, all the links are in the sidebar, and take a look as personally I find the stuff that these guys do truly inspiring.
I'm genuinely torn! Happy gaming :)
Saturday, 12 February 2011
The Cow says....
I've also finished off the Zombie spawn-point markers including my three "bursters". I was temtpted to Zombie-fy the dead-stock but they're more widely usable this way.
So another 16 little pieces gets me another 16 PPs and the project is really motoring along. I need to start packing next week so brace yourself for more posts involving random musing and Rugby.
You have been warned!!
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Catch 22?

Being 3 short of the box set has come as the price of three "ground-burster" tokens neccesitaiting the same number of "spines on legs", which I really don't like.
So 44 points and I should be able to finish off the zombie tokens and the stock, live & dead, tonight. Just as well really as I'm some to be relocating abode, with standard feeling of dread, and the pack / move / unpack schedule is bound to disrupt things for a while.
On the upside I will have and indoor gaming room :)
Sunday, 6 February 2011
Spot the Zombie
Now, sat on the sofa in front of the laptop i've realised that I haven't counted them up to work out my painting points. Maybe we can have a best guess compo and use the photos? Answers on a comment!
Saturday, 5 February 2011
Them's the RULES!!
Tuesday night was D&D, following a number of missed Thursdays, for THE RITUAL followed by a hard fight against a variety of end of scene beasties and bad guys. There are a few loose ends to tie up but i'm fairly sure that the locals can sleep a little easier in thier beds...... at least for a while!
As far as the rules are concerned we're fairly old hands now. We know the sequences, what checks are required when and how to do / attempt certain things.
We're all used to our individual tasks and roles, something of a well oiled machine! It's only really during the tight combats and harder tasks that we have to pull out the special abilities and "tricks".
That happened on Tuesday with Charlie scanning the back of the rulebook whilst the rest of us metaphorically shoved Mr C's Paladinic "tank" towards the teeth of the Green Dragon we had unleashed.
"You can do X" says Charlie. "Oh...good!" says Mr C. Mr C did X. It helped greatly. Scratch one Green Dragon. The post battle heal and loot SOP was then engaged :)
On Thursday shaun and Rich came round for a run through Operation Squad a set of Italian written WWII squad skirmish rules being sold through Warlord Games.
Plugs over, once I got my head around the activation system I discovered that I really liked them. Basically you take turns to nominate one of your boys and state what they're going to do. Your opponent CAN respond by nominating a reaction activation. You CAN then nominate a reaction to his reaction.
Either side can nominate a maximum of three actions in this manner. Once all nominations are in you roll an intiative order and get on with resolving them.
It might sound confusing but in my first game I picked it up fine, even appreciating how it gives an otherwise straight forward set of rules a much greater depth whilst retaining fluidity.
I'm not getting into a diatribe about rules but wish to make another point. I grew up within gaming via GW and thier rulesets. Within that culture there has always been an idea of "veteran gamers", another can of worms that I don't wish to unleash. This seems to be defined merely by time and money invested.
To be honest I now find GW rulesets too basic, prescriptive and limiting to figure within my regular gaming. Like many I limit myself to a couple of GW's Specialist offerings.
So, to me at least, another and potentially better definition of a veteran gamer is one that is able to appreciate and deal with more open and intuitive rulesets to produce a better game. One measure we often use is wether proper tactics properly applied produce a realistic result.
Another thing for me is that to play with better, less prescriptive, rules you need to be a better, less prescriptive, gamer able to use rather than abuse the latitude offered all in the name of FUN for all.
Happy gaming to all :)