Monday 10 August 2015

Little by Little

Hello again people,

No, not too much has happened since last time I showed you some actual figures. I've had some time but, in  honesty, haven't always made the best of it as the coalface has been somewhat flinty recently.
I have however finally come to the end of the construction production line as all of mine and Rob's remaining figures have been built and based. As with such finely crafted multi-part figures a few stray antennas and the like have detached themselves during the basing process but that'll take a few moments before a touch of undercoat provides a further amount of adhesive bonding.

That should be Wednesday evening before.....SEEMLESS SEGWAY....I disappear off to Copenhagen for the FFG Scandinavian Nationals.

I've played against foreign players but not as one so this should be an interesting experience and one that as such I shall chart via camera phone and data roaming, as long as it's not too wallet crippling. Myself and Nigel fly out Thursday lunchtime to rendezvous with about a dozen 186 Squadron ready to take on the best the Nordics have to offer.

The X-Wing isn't until Saturday but a few of the guys, including Nigel, are also competing in Armada. I shall attempt to make myself useful as required whilst also taking the opportunity to explore the event as well as the city itself.

Flying back Monday lunchtime I am intent on using what time off I have as best I might before the coalface beckons yet again....

It'll definitely be an experience! ;)

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