It's a decent, entertaining, though fairly standard event with some good laughs and some fairly speedy undead.
Seven out of ten, i'll think about the DVD once HMV have it on sale.
Part of my motivation for going came about thusly;
The Star Wars: Clones roleplay has pushed me toward the clix figures and thier excellent combat maps. This brought me back into contact with thier relation, Horroclix.
We've played a number of very enjoyable zombie games at the club, fitting nicely with my re-awakened skirmish muse.

The Horrorclix figures sort out the protagonist and possibly provide the quick play ruleset required. It's all been a bit, well............ infectious?
I recycled £50 of the Empire wedge into Clones-clix this week at Orc's Nest and whilst having a quick chat with the bloke (no....really, though I did start it and he was taking money from me at the time!) I was told that the Horroclix UK distributor had gone bust and you couldn't get it any more other than E-Bay.
So imagine my delight when I found it all cut price on Amazon! Sensible restraint quickly buckled under the weight of yesterday's pay day (with back pay bonanza) and my fear of them selling out or disappearing.
£20 has got me a starter set and three boosters. The fever subsides.......for now :)