Same technique. At the just washed state on the left and with detail and highlight below. Hopefully there's you can tell the difference other than the state of the bases!
I'm pleased to have them all done and it's been interesting to paint some Fantasy figures for the first time in a while.
I've found myself scouting various Warhammer websites during lunch-breaks, especially Chaos Dwarves for some reason, but I still couldn't bring myself to play again.
It's a shame but the thought of actually playing a game makes my skin crawl. Hmmm :( I'm fairly that these boys will be appearing on a E-Bay page near you sometime soon. Says it all really!
Meanwhile on Tuesday night "down the Club" Ian donated us two packs of luxury choccie biccies and Charlie's dice donated me my first victory of the Uncharted Seas campaign.
Not much he could do and I did FEEL suitably for him as all gamers have. Not that this stopped me taking the win.... as all gamers have!
I've pretty much decided to FINALLY get stuck into Space-Hulk, those figures are just SO excellent and I actually WANT to be playing the game. BIG difference!!
I've also had my eye on one of Hasslefree's Halflings to use for D&D when we swap over from Star Wars.
Anyway, it's payday and I fancy a curry.
Merry long weekend to you all!!
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