Having completed MANY domestic chores this month i've occasionally felt a little like the chap on the right. I have however finally unpacked the hobby into the new household and got in some much needed brush time.
I can claim a full 2 PPs this month for the chalice and C.A.T. Space Hulk tokens, as shown below. I've also got the basecoat onto the final token, the aforementioned enthroned terminator.
Given that these are JUST tokens, i've been massively impressed with thier level of detail but that can has to be said about Space Hulk as a whole.
I wanted to go for something different with this chap and was forced into a rethink once i'd established the level of Blood Angel detail on the figure.
But with all the individual heraldry displayed on the Terminators within the source book I just decided to go for it and ended up with something between the Blood-Drinkers and the Howling Griffons that I used to have sometime ago. WIP for the mo.
As a staunch Wasps fan the Leicester / Saracens line-up was probably the worst I could think of. I wouldn't have gone but tickets were offered as part of a big group and it was as much for a big day out as the game itself.

I was genuinely concerned that it would be a horrible grinding game of boot on ball and very few tries, if any. How wrong I was, something of a classic.
Both sides came out and played a PROPER game. Leicester win again, just, which must be tough on Sarries fans but the Tigers have played the better rugby over the season as a whole so probably deserve the win. Probably......