Monday, 15 July 2013

Avast Me Heartys.....would you like some tea?

Hello people,

Not been too much going on around here recently. Not been too much to report and my Blogger App has been playing up when there has.

Had a few days off last week getting out and about including a visit to HMS Belfast. I work just across the other side of the river from her and have been meaning to have a look for a good long while. Very glad I did and I heartily recommend a visit to all.

Going aboard I soon realised she's a bit of a Tardis. I'd always thought that, for a cruiser, she wasn't the biggest, especially for the Arctic convoys, but with 9 decks she's a real warren and you get to climb from boiler room to gunnery observation platform.

You get the usual posed dummies but there are some pretty impressive interactive bits as well. A lot of the focus is understandly WWII but there was a fair bit about Korea as well which I hadn't really appreciated before.

Get piped aboard sometime, you won't regret it :)

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