Saturday, 12 October 2013

Extreme Measures?

Afternoon peeps,

Myself and Rich went back upto to Wargames Workshop in Milton Keynes today for a couple of demo / exhibition games of Dreadball Extreme. There were only a couple of us so we got in a three-way and a four-way before calling it and afternoon but they were good fun games.

I took Z'Zor while Rich took his Stormtrooper Zees, which are good fun and I learnt plenty about both teams. Rob#1 took Nameless and then Orx with Rob#2 joining the second game with Corp. The wins went to Nameless and the Corp reinforcing the feeling that DB-Ex is most definitely a Striker's game.
We did have the Giants but didn't end up playing with them so something for another day.

While we were there I stocked up on paints, even making a list and checking my stock! As they were there I decided to pick up some of the P3 offerings to try them out as I've heard good things and I kind of miss what was the GW Foundation range.

I did find myself thinking that I should really inventory my paints and spreadsheet them........then again, maybe not eh? :)

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