Despite being somewhat of a fair weather comics geek i've always had a continuing interest in all things 200AD, it's newsagent availability being where I cut my printed teeth as such.
Along with "Old Iron Chin" and Slaine one of my great favourites has always been Friday the Rogue Trooper. I've avidly his adventures with Gunnar, Eightball and Bagman over a number of years.
So when I read an article in WI by Kevin Dallimore painting up some of Copplestone Casting's sweaty mercenaries as GI Genetic Infantry I simply had to follow suit. Originally for some games of THW's Chain Reaction they also saw some table-time as a Necromunda gang.
Recently, they're providing a plot point for the Star Wars roleplaying as the eponymous clones. Recent scavenger purchases have been for this purpose and the first three have been painted this weekend;
The, erm..... brains trust of Johno Rott'n, The Kid and Dok Apocalypse. I've really enjoyed painting these guys and can't wait to put them to use.
Some of the troopers of A Section including Venus Blue-Genes and The Big Blu.
Added as Necromunda Juves, I borrowed the idea from Jon, the youth section add an extra element of mobility.
So, another 6 P-Points duely earnt. The only slight thing is having added three new figs they're making the others look a bit ordinary. Nothing terrible just that one extra highlight that I missed first time round. No worries :)