It feels like a while since my last post which is possibly a lie. I think it's just that a lot has happened since last Wednesday.
I shall inflict it upon you methodically. You lucky, lucky people :)
Rugby / Burning down the House:I actually saw very little of the Six Nations games last weekend, just the last 15 minutes of the Scotland / Wales game. I have been reliably informed, by a Welshman, that it was the best 15 minutes of all three games.
A number of us spent Saturday afternoon warming MrC's new house with games of Space-Munckin and Robo-Rally. We'd taken a break for burgers and turned on the telly to see what we could see.
I found myself emploring the Sweatys to finish off the Daffs just for them to push the big red self-destruct button, Schocker!!
I also got to play half a game of Blood-Bowl on the PC. Definately entertaining and I hope to find my copy in my letterbox this evening. We also ended up bouncing around the idea of setting up a club online Blood-Bowl league.
It appeals, but how geeky is
TOO geeky? Does that line actually exist??

On Valentine's Day I took the jet-lagged missus to the Wasps / Sale game (i.e. an industrial estate in West Wycombe). I even bought her a Cadbury's Caramel and a cup of tea. Lucky girl :)
It was a scrappy first half with plenty of errors, including the ref, but other than offering up a soft try we controlled the game well for a well deserved win. Danny's 100% kicking did the job.
Less errors in the second half but we'll need to take our chances much better this Sunday against Sarries.
We'll be there :)
Auf Weidersehn Pet:The listings for the FoW Germans finished on Sunday night.
One lad took the lot for £470..........
OMFG!! I really hadn't expected that :0

It did seem to be the only painted army on there and it's a fair price for the army as a whole. I have been a commission painter in the past and was cheap when you worked out £ per hour........ but I still didn't dare to
So with postage that's £500 sat in Paypal as toys money for the rest of the year at £50 a month. With club gaming conencentrating on Uncharted Seas and Blood Bowl 7s for the forseeable I doubt that I
SHOULD be spending anything like that much!
An Oni army box and army book have made for a good start though :)
Right, that's my lunch break dealt with. More tomorrow.