Hobby money is an interesting thing. It can almost always been found to tip the need / want balance but, in this hobby at least, seems to be very hard work to earn.
I, like all true gamers, have no idea how much i've spent on TOYS, I don't want to know, but feel happy that i've had VALUE.
That's fine by me :)
Meanwhile, in a time and place not so far in the past, I once upon a time used to paint for cold hard cash. Part time as such!
It was hard work and to be honest became a chore that threatened my own hobby. I'm gald that i'm fortunate enough not to have to anymore.
There's still a slight hangover from back then as I still owe my mate Big Trev paint jobs for a Great Unclean One, a few bases of Nurglings and a couple of Khemri Tomb Priests.
Bad Steve. Added to the list.
Someday I may just paint up Space-Hulk...... sniff

Meanwhile, i've recently recieved my E-Bay bill of £50 which combined with a £20 fee for recieving my wedge has "spent" a fair lump of it.
Still, not a moan, as i'm still left with almost £400 AFTER the Oni. More.. a learning experience.
Continuing on my theme of "I don't think i'll actually spend it all on toys" bit, i've put a good lump of it towards a new Dell laptop.......... SHINY!!
Some of this was because my old knackered one wouldn't run Blood-Bowl in any form...... SOME of this.
My old one is no longer fit for purpose and Mr T's reccommendation assures me that I'll get several years use..... and he's got NUTS!!......RESULT!!
A month 'til delivery though........not so shiny.
I about the only bit of hobby progress recently, work was in capitals and bold last week, I ordered some of ForgeWorld's Tau transfers, in white, to detail the Oni vehicles.
At checkout I was informed of the £10 minimum sale..... so I added a couple of weathering powders.
Want / Need balance?
On my final note of the post my gym trainers are also no longer fit for purpose. The missus pushed the point the point that I should spend that bit more on a pair that would support my feet properly,.. so I bought these.
£50 reduced from £75.... she's not so keen on them :)
Want / Need balance??
P.S. Wasps win again whilst Sarries loose...again.. :)