Concentration has only been achieved in fits and starts, much like Wasps' performance yesterday, but an amount of progress has been made, unlike Wasps :(
My main achievement has been test painting five of my zombie horde-ette which has proved far easier and quicker than I thought it might be, alomost worryingly so.
Given a base spray of Ogre Flesh I moist brushed up to Tallarn Flesh and a drybrush of Dwarf (flesh). I went for solid blocks of darker colour for their rags assuming that this would have been thier burial suit, picked out details and applied the magic of Devlan Mud.
A quick drybrush highlight of Dwarf followed and I sorted the bases out to get a proper look at thier finish. Scarily, they seem to be almost there.Admittedly these photos aren't the best but for such a quick job they're well on thier way. I don't want to stop here, and won't, feeling that's its now a case of final detail to get the job done.
I am however a little unsure as to what these might be! Red eyes don't say Zombie to me but might be nice on a few of them. A little bit more work on the skin and clothes and maybe a bit of strategic red wash? I really want these guys to be properly manky.
Answers on a comment please!
Rounding out the weekend I finally cracked the cellophane on Fable III, which was from Santa, and tried it out. I spent some of the new year finally finishing off Fable II and so have really noticed the immediate differences.
The graphics are finer, the progression system more creative and they've obviously had the time and budget to lavish a little. Good stuff.
During the load breaks I notice that it gives comparisons to where you are compared to your online friends. Undead Jon has a significant head-start on me, due to time played, being loaded, married (twice!), and having travelled MILES further.
Most entertaining was the "STD caught" count. A gentleman never tells though......... :)
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