Sunday, 21 April 2013

Obligatory post Salute post

WWII table candy
Picture heavy of course. Good day out as always, loads of great looking games / tables and plenty of punters. I had a good wander before taking a detailed look at anything.

I wasn't really looking for anything in particular, other than my usual dose of inspiration. Bumped into some old gaming buddies which is always a major bonus.

As always, the quality on offer seems to have increased yet again. I didn't make it last year but it felt like there is a continuing changing of the guard. Amongst all of the more "traditional" offerings a plethora of high end skirmish games seem to have taken root, lots of accessories, plenty of resin and laser cut mdf.

I picked up a pocketful of cards and flyers which I'll inflict on you later :)

In terms of my mild gaming crisis I didn't so much work out what I do want to paint and play as much as what I don't. Nothing old, something new, but what.......

Picked up a KR case plus some undercoat and varnish sprays I was very drawn by the Infinity figures, they're gorgeous. There was one trader with a deal for two starter sets and a free rulebook though I downloaded that in the week..... Other options were a box of Perry AWI British or some Victrix Nap flank company just 'cos.

Rolling over to Mantic we caught up with each other and Stew who sorted us out our pick-up of Season 2 plesin goodness. For me that was the rulebook and the cheerleaders (Robots and Z'Zor still to come) along with a bonus Judwan MVP. I also picked up a Reek Rolat as it would just been wrong for me to got to Salute and NOT buy at least one figure.

At which point I realised that I'm happy enough getting on with what I've got. Get Dreadball painted up and play a few more games and get on to SAGA.........happy days :)
Big Ol' table of Tanks
Perspex movement trays......interesting!
Nice breach!
ACW skirmish......
.....on a prticuarly stunning table.
Otherworld, good to see them getting on old school stylee
BIG purple worm :)
15mm Taliban
Sure you can work this one out
Soviet Bolt Action
Hammer Slammers

Flying boats.......Spelljammer?
Sexy French resin wierdness.......
.......with a rampant killer bear.....obviously!
Space Munchies?
Spaceballs :)

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