Saturday, 6 April 2013

Watch This Space II

A horrible long while since the original one of these but it's not as if I haven't had anything else to go on about :)

Some may have noticed that I revamped the blog a while ago and I'm in the process of steadily adding further quality items to the blog roll.

Today I'm going to highlight two commission painters blogs both a little different to each other.

Den of Imagination is run by Brovatar who seems particularly for readers to "feed your imagination". He certainly inspires you to do so with a monstrous turnover of projects both commissioned and for E-Bay.

Plenty of 40K mini armies make their way across has paint station, often featuring recent releases, often with a strong theme and a matching display base.

Recent personal favourites were the snowy Night Lords and the rusty Necrons with plenty of source lighting effects. Something I'm suddenly quite keen on trying out myself :)

There's some nice tutorials to look through including basing with coconut shell no less. Lots of visual content with chatter being particularly business like I enjoy seeing his projects and commissions work through some very nice ideas.
Viking Pirate Painting feels a touch more relaxed and personal as you get a lot more general chat with longer more descriptive tutorials and advice, colour wheels / saturation. Stuff I was aware of but now have a better appreciation of. Nice to see some personal projects too.

Forgeworld kits seems to be a bit of a speciality with two Warhounds recently completed and a really good tutorial giving advice on how to fix and correct a lot of their kits.

Latest project is some REALLY nice Emperors Children armour.

At the end of the day both blogs are designed to attract customers and sales. Nothing wrong with that, some years ago I used to do quite a bit of low end commission painting to help pay the bills and know just how much WORK is involved. Not a service that everyone can afford but when you think about material costs and then a decent hourly rate for a highly skilled profession then you get where you get to.

Anyway plenty of eye candy and inspiration all for free :)

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